Welcome to HEPA 15th Conference
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences Dublin is pleased to invite you to the 19th annual meeting and 15th conference of HEPA Europe, the European Network for the Promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity, on 19-21 August 2024. The conference is jointly organised with WHO/Europe. The conference will be held in the friendly city of Dublin (Ireland), the university’s home town.
The HEPA Europe 2024 conference will focus on “Implementing Health-Enhancing Physical Activity: the importance of inclusion.” The objective of the conference is to engage and connect scientists, policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders to enhance and facilitate the implementation of knowledge in the field of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity. Bringing together leading experts, young researchers, policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders, the HEPA Europe 2024 conference in Dublin provides a unique forum to stay up-to-date with scientific, practice and policy developments in Europe and beyond.
As usual, the programme will consist of inspiring keynote lectures, symposia, parallel oral sessions, and short 2 minute pitches, accompanied by social and networking events. Events will also include the annual meeting of HEPA Europe and parallel sessions of its working groups.
We hope to see you in Dublin, 19-21 August 2024.
Prof Suzanne McDonough, Head of the Organising Committee.

Welcome to Dublin